IMP QUESTIONSElectronic Instrumentation and Measurements
Q.1. Calculate the maximum percentage error in
the difference of two measured voltages when V1 = 200 V ± 2 % and V2 = 50
V ±6 %.
Q.2 Derive the equation for percentage error
for product of quantities of two or more
Q.3. Define accuracy, precision and resolution.
How they are different from each other.
Q.4. Give applications of CRO. Why trigger
circuit is used in CRO.
Q.5. A 0-300 V voltmeter has 600 scale
divisions which can read to 1/2 division. Determine the resolution of the meter in
Q.6. Explain the function of horizontal and
vertical amplifier in CRO.
Q.7. Describe the construction of PMMC
Q.8.The voltages at opposite ends
of a 470 ohms, ±5% resistor are measured as V1=12 V and V2 = 5
V. The measuring accuracies are ±0.5 V
for V1
and ±2% for V2.Calculate the level of current
in the resistor and specify its accuracy.
Q.9. Discuss in detail cathode ray
Q.10. Sketch the circuit diagram to show how a
PMMC instrument can be used as
DC ammeter. Also explain their circuit
Q.11. Derive the expression for the
electrostatic deflection in the CRT?
Q.12. Explain how electrostatic focusing helps
to focus the electron beam on the CRT screen.
Q.13. Explain different types of forces
operating inside the PMMC instrument.
Q.14. An 820 ohm resistance with an accuracy of
±10% carries a current of 10 mA. The current was measured by an analog ammeter on a
25 mA range with an accuracy of ±2% of full scale. Calculate the power
dissipated in the resistor and determine the accuracy of the result.
Explain the operation of delay time base system.
Q.16. It
is desired to measure the value of current in the 200 ohm resistor by
connecting a 100 ohm ammeter. Find the actual and measured value of current.
Also find the percentage error and the accuracy.

Q.17. Derive the torque equation for a PMMC
instrument and show its scale is linear.
Q.18. Explain the working of Cathode Ray Tube
with neat diagram.
Q.19. What are different types of errors occur
in measurement of any quantity. Explain each
error with examples.
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Signals and Systems
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Electronic Circuit
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Laser Systems and Applications
Jan 01, 2013Posted by Abhi Raj
1) Explain
the types of coherence
2) Explain
the types of emission
Explain Gain, Gain clamping, Gain efficiency, Absorption.
Explain population inversion.
The coherence length of sodium light is 2.545x10-2m and its
wavelength is 5890A0. Calculate
frequency and coherence time.
6) Discuss
the spatial coherence as related to the size of the source. Obtain expression
for lateral
width and give its
Deduce the time -independent Schrodinger’s wave equation.
8) Explain
the different types of pumping techniques.
Derive the relation between Einstein’s coefficient.
10) Explain the characteristics of laser?
11) What
is an optical resonant cavity? What role does it play in a laser?
Discuss de-Broglie theory of matter waves.
Derive an expression for de-Broglie wavelength.
Explain principle, construction and working of Fabry –Parrot resonator.
15) Discuss
on the quantum physics briefly.
16) Deduce the time -dependent Schrodinger’s wave
17) What is uncertainty principle? Apply it to
prove the non existence of electron in the nucleus.
18) What is Compton effect? Derive an equation for Compton shift.
18) What is Compton effect? Derive an equation for Compton shift.
19) Discuss the dual nature of matter and waves.
20) Calculate the population ratio of two states
in laser that produces light of wavelength 6000A0 at3000 K.
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Computer Architecture & Organization

down the structural and behavioral aspects of half adder and full adder.
Realize half adder and full adder using logic gates.
various register level component.
do you understand by design levels in the design of computer systems.
4.Write down the HDL and VHDL of half adder
and full adder.
the use of state table for a sequential circuit considering one input variable
x, one output variable y and two clocked D Flip flop also use, AND gate, OR
gate, and Inverter.
down the component of Processor level.
state the Queuing Model. Write all its derivation/ formulas. Illustrate this model with a
suitable examples.
performance measurement along with it
formulas. Design a computer with multiple CPU and Main memory banks.
Diagrammatically the internal organization of CPU and Cache memory.
10. What
do you mean by programmable logic devices? Represent with diagram .
a 5X32 decoder with four 3X8 decoder and a 2X4 decoder.Use a block diagram
the iterative flow method used by a CAD with a flowchart representation and
discuss the usage of CAD tools.
Design RS Flip Flop using NOR and NAND Gate and analyze its various cases.
14.With the help of logic circuit and logic
diagram classify the shift registers based on the direction of data movement
and mode of input and output.
15. Design
and explain about word gates with the help of NAND and NOR gate
Write down the basic arthematic operations of ALU along with their
different implementations. Design the
logic diagram of arthematic circuit.
17. What
is the basic structure of floating point numbers? Consider
an example to represent it
short notes on
Word Gates
Encoders and decoders
19.Design the followings:
a 4-bit D register with parallel loads.
(ii) a
register-level design of 4-bit magnitude
(iii) a
4-bit parallel adder.
20. Design
an eight-input multiplexer constructed
from two-input multiplexers.
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